Snail Transport Development Update (2022/8)
Aug. 31st, 2022
We fixed several potential issues of our bot, and added more features to our internal toolkits.
Bot Service | 机器人服务
- 修复了访问阿里云刷新令牌时可能引发的空引用异常
Fixed an null reference exception which may be thrown when the bot tries to fetch token from Aliyun
Internal Toolkits | 内部工具集
- 为内部工具集添加了自定义配置,支持权限细分
The internal toolkits support customer configurations, which allows managers to split dedicated permissions
- News posts published by managers will be synchronized to Snail Transport official now
Snail Transport 社区的机器人将会在未来持续维护更新,关注我们的 👍bot-update
Discord 频道及 👍 机器人更新
KOOK 频道以获取机器人维护与更新通知!
Snail Transport Bot will get maintained and updated continuously in the future. Follow 👍bot-update
Discord channel and 👍 机器人更新
KOOK channel to get notified!
文案/Copywriting: Ge Xiaohe
翻译/Translation: Ge Xiaohe
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